
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Ahmet Do?an ATAMAN” ,找到相关结果约17443条。
A sexually transmitted disease: History of AIDS through philately
Emine Elif Vatano?lu,Ahmet Do?an Ataman
Journal of the Turkish-German Gynecological Association , 2011,
Abstract: AIDS has become the new plague; a disease that is not only physically and psychologically debilitating, but culturally and socially devastating as well. Like the plague, AIDS has caused fear, prejudice and even panic in society. Although there are remarkable improvements in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, AIDS continues its grim passage around the globe. After a slight downturn in the early 1990’s, it then returned with a vengeance. By the end of the 20th century, AIDS was reliably estimated to have caused over 20 million deaths throughout the world. At the same time, 40 million people were estimated to be HIV positive. This paper provides an overview of the history of AIDS, including the discovery and its progress in the world through philately. Philately is the study of stamps and postal history and other related items. Philately involves more than just stamp collecting, it contains the study of the design and educational impact of a philatelic material. We have presented AIDS stamps produced world-wide to emphasize the history of AIDS.
Medicine in Stamps Alois Alzheimer: the Father of Alzheimer Disease
Journal of Neurological Sciences , 2012,
Abstract: During the times of World War I, Germany was an important pioneer in many areas of science and medicine. Alois Alzheimer, who lived during this period, was one of the founders of the field of neuropathology. He described a form of dementia as a brain destroying disease more than 100 years ago. This paper provides an overview on the discovery of the Alzheimer disease and the physician behind this discovery, Alois Alzheimer, through philately.
Medicine in philately: Rene T. H. La?nnec, the father of stethoscope
Ahmet Do?an Ataman,E. Elif Vatano?lu-Lutz
- , 2016, DOI: 10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2015.6866
Abstract: The word stethoscope is derived from the two Greek words, stethos (chest) and scopos (examination). Since mankind first began to study human physiology and the physical characteristics associated with various ailments, it has been obvious that the heart plays a crucial role in our bodies. The sounds the heart and surrounding organs, such as the lungs, make can be crucial indicators when examining a patient (1)
The Satisfaction Amount of People Who Continues Sport Centers from Sport and Sport Centers
Ali Ahmet Do?an
Beden E?itimi ve Spor Bilim Dergisi , 2010,
Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the levels of satisfaction of the people who continues sport actively and who seessport as a spare time activity from sport and sport centers. With this aim, 2000 people between the ages of 18-69 have beenincluded into survey, consisting of 1130 men and 870 women. The survey is made of 18 questions. For the survey, 5-degreeLikert level has been used. For the research of meaning differences between variations T-Test and ANOVA Test has beenused. The results have shown that women satisfaction level is lower than men (t=-10,127; p<0,05). On the other handpeople over 50, have a less level of expectations to be real according to the younger people (f=9,49; p<0,05). And as thesport age grow older peoples expectations from sport and sports centers grow bigger (f=127,701; p<0,05).
Turkish folk medicinal plants, IX: Ovac k (Tunceli)
Ertan Tuzlac?,Ahmet Do?an
Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal , 2010,
Abstract: ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was made to reveal the plants used as traditional folk medicine in Ovac k (Tunceli). For this purpose, the field works have been done between May 2007-May 2008 in April, May, June and July lasting for 30 days, in total. During this researchall the settlement centers (including 33 villages) have been visited, the specimens of the plants used as folk remedies have been collected and the information such as local names, ailments treated or therapeutic effects, plant parts used, method of administration, dosage,duration of treatment have been recorded. The collected plant specimens are kept in the Herbarium of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Marmara University (MARE). As a result of identification of 76 plant specimens, 67 species used as a traditional folk medicine, have been determined. Among them 65 species are wild and 2 species are cultivated plants. These plants and their local usage in treatment are presented in a table in the text. It was found out that the plants recorded in Ovac k are mostly used for cold, diabetes and wound
Multilateral coronary fistulas terminating in the lung parenchyma
Zeki Do?an,Ahmet Kar
Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi , 2012,
Modeling of Urban Growth and Simulation Models
Ahmet Do?ukan YAZICI
- , 2019,
Abstract: Urban growth is a positive increase in the elements of a city over time. Urban growth and development processes should be within a specific planning framework. Today, with the developing technology, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and simulation models are used to estimate the results of urban growth effects and to create predictions. These findings play a guiding role in planning, management, and investment studies. In this context; data obtained by Remote Sensing and GIS techniques generate input data for various simulation models, while simulation models provide future estimations based on land use/cover data for the past and current time. In this study, integration of Remote Sensing and GIS with simulation models in the modeling of complex urban systems is discussed and Von Thünen Model, Concentric Zone Theory, Central Place Theory, Sector Theory, Artificial Neural Network, Markov Chains, Cellular Automata and SLEUTH Simulation models are examined
Modeling of Drying and Drying Values of Apple Product with Solar Energy Assisted Drying System Using Artificial Neural Network
Ahmet Do?ukan YAZICI
- , 2018,
Abstract: In this study, a solar energy assisted drying system was designed and the apples were dried. Dry base moisture content (MCd), removable moisture content (MR), drying rate (DR) and convective heat transfer coefficient (hc) values were calculated from the drying experiments. The drying performances of the apple drying process in the open air under the sun and the solar energy assisted drying system were compared. It has been achieved that the system-dried hand is more advantageous than under the sun in normal conditions. In the drying experiments, the hc values of the hands were calculated between 15.5 - 13.5 (W / m2 ° C) in the solar energy assisted drying system. For the hc values obtained from the experiment works done in the solar energy supported drying system, an predictive model was created by using artificial neural network (YSA). Estimated hC values are shown with the applied YSA. Mean squared error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE) and relative absolute error (RAE) analyzes were performed to determine the validity of the predicted model obtained. As a result, a predictive model for hC values has been obtained and the solar energy assisted drying system has resulted in more efficient drying
About Kelür- / Keltür- / Ketür- / Getür- / Getir- And Olur- / Oltur- / Otur- Verbs
- , 2019,
Abstract: There have been various written languages of Turkish from the first written texts to today. All of these written languages are based on the characteristics of one dialect or some dialects and reflect the characteristics of this dialect or these dialects. Since Turks have different tribes, these written languages contain some fundamental differences from one another due to the various characteristics of these tribes. These differences are still present as the features from past to present of the tribe that constructs the written language. Thus, it is seen that the codes in the language do not undergo change easily, and these language codes are transferred to future generations. In this framework, the present study is based on revealing and attracting attention to the different situations of the kelür- / keltür / ketür- / getür- / getir- and olur- / oltur- / otur- verbs in the historical and modern writing languages of the Turkish language. In general, these verbs were analyzed with regard to in which morph phonological forms they were used in various written languages in Turkish. Consisting of both the phonetics and morphology of the Turkish language, this study tries to illuminate the verbs mentioned above in the framework of both fields. Throughout this study, different examples of Turkish language were given from not only historical texts but also modern texts. It was examined whether there is a significant relationship between different usages of the verbs in different Turkish verbs
Sahaba Understanding in terms of its Influence on the Formation of Kalam? Approaches
- , 2019,
Abstract: The Sahaba, the primary correspondent of the Qur’an and the Sunnah, have a steady position in terms of pointing out to people who learn, interpret and live the religious principles in the most accurate way, and are accepted as a source in the understanding and knowledge of Qur’an and Sunnah. Also, the continuity and durability of the religious principles have been possible with the efforts of the Sahaba, and they have provided the divine truths to be preserved and delivered to the next generations. However, some debates among the Sahaba have provided the basis for the emergence of different faithful interpretations in later periods and perception and understanding of the Sahaba have directly been determining in the formation of the principles which were adopted by various approaches of beliefs to distinguish and differentiate themselves from other groups. The groups with different belief approaches have shaped fiqh, tafsir and hadith content around the Sahaba thought

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